Testimonials from the heart...
I was lucky enough to have met Marcia during a very difficult time. She was absolutely instrumental in helping me heal and pull through. Marcia is extraordinarily gifted. She naturally creates a very nurturing and safe atmosphere and finds ways to heal the ones in her care from multiple perspectives - physical, energetic and spiritual. She encourages her patient to be “active”, therefore helping them heal themselves. My advice to anyone in her care is to take her words to heart - listen to her and listen well, this one does not speak in vain.
"Marcia is a gifted teacher of the HeartMath® process. From studying HeartMath® with Marcia, I have achieved more peace and grace in my life. Marcia makes learning this tool easy because of her ability to discuss and listen completely. If you need to reduce your stress levels and create a higher vibrational magnetism in your life, Marcia can help you on the path to success. She is a divinely talented and passionate soul who will coach you to achieve your personal goals."
"The Heartmath® process is very straight forward, thought provoking, easy, and it does make a difference! As my piano teacher use to say “Practice, practice, practice!” Practice does make a difference. I believe most people meet weekly, but I opted to meet every other week, so as not to add more stress to my already hectic schedule. The more I continue to practice the tools I learned, the greater the benefits will be in terms of stress reduction, increased clarity, and a greater sense of connection."
“An instant connection. She is gifted in her talents of being a people person, and in seeing someone as a whole person and helping that wholeness be reflected back. Her insights are incredible.”
“She has the capacity to hold a space that allows those who are held to exist at their highest levels.”
“LOVE and helping people seek the truths in/of themselves. Marcia approaches every situation with love makes life easier and when you do that it changes your perspective of things. Instead of approaching life with anger, it shifts everything when you approach with love. Embracing everyone (even difficult people) with love, like they are your brothers and sisters, friends, etc. She does this all the time.”
“Marcia has the heart of an angel that helps people through their most wounded emotion to create power and bring that power into their lives. A soul that burns fire. Language is beautiful. I can really see how she speaks in a way that probably many people have never experienced in their lives, and that’s why she is so helpful!”
“A psycho-spiritual guide. She’s a force of nature. She’s intense, compassionate, holding and deep seeing with that light that looks directly into you. She’s very good at spelunking of the soul.”
“Ever since I’ve known her, she’s been one of my greatest teachers, and I think she’s just beginning to accept her role as teacher and leader in a bigger stage/grander scale.”
“Incredibly open. Her first reaction to things is “that’s interesting, yeah, we can do that”. She embraces life.”
"Marcia is a gifted teacher of the HeartMath® process. From studying HeartMath® with Marcia, I have achieved more peace and grace in my life. Marcia makes learning this tool easy because of her ability to discuss and listen completely. If you need to reduce your stress levels and create a higher vibrational magnetism in your life, Marcia can help you on the path to success. She is a divinely talented and passionate soul who will coach you to achieve your personal goals."
"The Heartmath® process is very straight forward, thought provoking, easy, and it does make a difference! As my piano teacher use to say “Practice, practice, practice!” Practice does make a difference. I believe most people meet weekly, but I opted to meet every other week, so as not to add more stress to my already hectic schedule. The more I continue to practice the tools I learned, the greater the benefits will be in terms of stress reduction, increased clarity, and a greater sense of connection."
“An instant connection. She is gifted in her talents of being a people person, and in seeing someone as a whole person and helping that wholeness be reflected back. Her insights are incredible.”
“She has the capacity to hold a space that allows those who are held to exist at their highest levels.”
“LOVE and helping people seek the truths in/of themselves. Marcia approaches every situation with love makes life easier and when you do that it changes your perspective of things. Instead of approaching life with anger, it shifts everything when you approach with love. Embracing everyone (even difficult people) with love, like they are your brothers and sisters, friends, etc. She does this all the time.”
“Marcia has the heart of an angel that helps people through their most wounded emotion to create power and bring that power into their lives. A soul that burns fire. Language is beautiful. I can really see how she speaks in a way that probably many people have never experienced in their lives, and that’s why she is so helpful!”
“A psycho-spiritual guide. She’s a force of nature. She’s intense, compassionate, holding and deep seeing with that light that looks directly into you. She’s very good at spelunking of the soul.”
“Ever since I’ve known her, she’s been one of my greatest teachers, and I think she’s just beginning to accept her role as teacher and leader in a bigger stage/grander scale.”
“Incredibly open. Her first reaction to things is “that’s interesting, yeah, we can do that”. She embraces life.”